Calcbench makes it easier for analysts to extract data from earnings press-releases.
With the Calcbench Excel Add-in installed click on the Disclosure Viewer.
Find the company you are interested in by searching in the Companies and Groups box. Then find the document containing the number in which you are interested. In the case we are looking for Fifth Thirds Tangible book value per share, which is disclosed in the Earnings Press Release, in the Related Documents section.
Click on the required number in the Disclosure Viewer, notice a formula was inserted in Excel.
The syntax of the
function is documented on the Excel Add-in page.
To get a time series of the data we parameterize the year and period arguments to the function.
The correct data will be returned so a long as the company uses similar row labels across filings periods.
To trace the data back to the filing document right click on the number and select "Trace This Metric".
For the CalcbenchNonXBRLFactID formula only, you can also use the period 'Q4orY'. This is to help capture balance sheet or other instant measurement type items that might be labelled as Q4 or Y depending on the company.