Column Explanations

Ticker -> Ticker

CIK -> Filer Central Index Key (CIK)

Company -> Filer Name

Document -> Document type in which the fact appeared

XBRL Tag -> The XBRL tag associated with the fact

Label -> The XBRL lagel associated with the fact

Value -> Fact numeric value

Unit of Measure -> Fact Unit of Measure

Fiscal Year -> Fiscal year associated with the fact

Fiscal Period -> Fiscal period associated with the fact

Calendar Year -> Calendar year associated with the fact

Calendar Period -> Calendar period associated with the fact

Period Start -> For duration facts, the start of the fiscal period associated with the fact

Period End -> For duration facts, the end of the fiscal period associated with the fact

Period Instant -> For instant facts, the date to associated with the fact

Filing Date -> The filing date of the filing in which this fact was reported

Filing End Date -> The fiscal period end date of the filing in which this fact was reported

Fact Version -> The revision number of this fact, 1 indicates this is the first value reported for this fact

Source Statement Name -> Table name in which this fact appeared

Dimensions -> XBRL Dimensions associated with this fact

Filing ID -> Calcbench internal ID for this filing

Tag ID -> Calcbench internal ID for the this XBRL tag

SEC Accession Number -> SEC id for this filing (accession)

Uncorrected Value -> If Calcbench determined the fact was reported incorrectly this is the original(erroneous) value

Period Index -> A sequential index of time periods that the company has filings for, starting from the most recent period. This index will be reset  after each new filing period.


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    XT Liu

    great information

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