The standard Add-in installer is an MSI file that modifies the registry and puts the packed .xll file in the folder Excel looks for add-ins.
If the installer does not work in your environment you can manually replicate the installations process. The below assume you are using 64 bit Excel. It also involves modifying your registry, which can BREAK YOUR COMPUTER. Talk to Calcbench and your IT group before embarking on this.
1 - Download CalcbenchExcel-AddIn64-packed.xll from the bottom of this page and save it to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns
2 - Modify your registry so that Excel loads the Add-in while opening. In the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options
folder in your registry add key OPEN
of type REG_SZ
with value /R "CalcbenchExcelXLL64Packed.xll"
3 - When you restart Excel the Add-in should appear in your menu.